
Showing posts from March, 2020

Change Your Ifs

I heard this on KLOVE radio station and thought it is worth passing along. When life happens to us we start worrying with what ifs.  What if I lose my job?  What if it is a bad doctors report?  What if it can't be fixed?  What if I don't pass the test? What if I can't pay my bills? What if, what if, what if. What if we changed our ifs.  What if God shows up?  What if God heals me?  What if God works it out for my good?  What if God shows me another way?  What if God strengthens my faith? What if God provides? Whatever life is throwing at you today, I challenge you to change your ifs. Be blessed.

Prepare For the Battle

Psalm 44 Here in this world where we live or lives, terrible things may happen.  Even to Christians.  We are not immune to circumstances.  We may experience troubling personal circumstances that drag us down. We can feel empty of God's presence, bewildered, distressed, depressed and abandoned by God over these circumstances.  We are human.  Don't be afraid to face these circumstances even though you feel empty and alone. The secret to getting through these times is reliance on God.  Remember that His convent never fails. Remember what God has done for you in the past and hold on tightly to that. Write down the times that you have experienced God's love so when the tough times come into your life, you are prepared for the battle. Take them to heart, be encouraged, your circumstances will improve, and you will come out of it with stronger faith in God. Be blessed.

Advice About Advice

1 Kings 12:1-24 We make decisions everyday and sometimes we ask for advice. Then we have to make another decision whether or not to follow that advice. We need advice about following advice. Advice is only helpful if it is consistent with God's standards.  So seek advice from someone who is a mature, faithful Christian. Evaluate the advice - is it realistic, workable, and in line with biblical principles.  And of course, the best advice comes from the Lord and His Word.  Always pray and consult God about your decisions.  He will help you make the right decisions and keep you from going wrong and following poor advice. Be blessed!

Why do we make following God so difficult?

1 Kings 11:38 NlT " If you listen to what I tell you and follow my ways and do whatever I consider to be right, and if you obey my decrees and commands as my servant David did, then I will always be with you." Why do we make this so difficult and complicated?  Following God is not that hard. Read the Bible, learn God's ways and commands, accept that Jesus made a way for you to be forgiven of your sins,  love all people, have compassion, be a moral person.  God will bless you for just trusting His ways and will be with you ALL the time.
Grow In The Right Direction Read 1Kings 11:1-13 A little sin can be the first step in turning away from God. It is the sins we excuse and pretend are ok that cause the most trouble. The Lord is interested in our attitudes and our actions. Are temptations creeping into your life?  Pray to grow in the right direction.