
Showing posts from February, 2019


Bible study this morning (yes I am awake at 5 am on a Saturday). God is speaking to me this morning about friends. My study bible said that loneliness is everywhere and that we all need friends who will stick close, listen, care, and offer help when needed in good times and in bad. We lead such busy lives that we don't hang out with friends as much any more. We all need true friends not just acquaintances. If you are feeling lonely and need a friend, first Jesus is your best friend and you can turn to him anytime and second reach out, there are friends waiting to hear from you. Reach out to me. Maybe I will start a true friends facebook group,


This was in my study bible this morning. Proverbs 11:9. Your words make a difference! Every person you meet is either a demolition site or a construction site. With just words we can tear people down or build them up. Will your words be weapons of destruction or tools for construction today? Have a blessed and wonderful day today.

Where does my help come from

God is the creator of heaven and earth. God is your creator! Therefore, He knows all about you and can fix any problem you have. Look up, keep your eyes on Him and say thank you today! Have a blessed day today!


We make choices everyday. Sometimes we have a difficult time making the right choice. As a Christian, we have the guiding hand of God and the Holy Spirit. Put the choice in the discerning light of God. Will it accomplish His will for His kingdom and for us? Have a blessed day.