
Showing posts from October, 2018

God is For Us

There are days when it seems that everything is against us. It may be other people, circumstances, or situations. But if you are a child of God, nothing can really be against you. God can work all things out for your good, even a bad situation. Sometimes God lets us go through stuff so that we will be closer and more dependent on Him. Sometimes He wants us to go in a different direction. Trust that God knows what He is doing and will see you through anything. Even Satan can't get to you if God has got you. Let go of control today and let God handle it.

We are a branch

Jesus says that He is the vine and we are the branch. A branch can not live with out the vine that has the roots. And we can not live without Jesus. Yes we are alive as humans, but to live the most abundant life, we have to be connected to Jesus. Only then will be bear much fruit. That doesn't mean being rich and powerful here on earth. It means that our lives will reflect Jesus. People will see Jesus in us. His kindness, compassion, love, and spiritual blessings. Go be the branch today and show Jesus through you.


Having faith in something is believing in it even if we don't see it with our eyes. Having faith in God is also believing without seeing a physical form. But if you look you can see God in a lot of places. He is in the sunrise, that help that came right on time, that perfect opportunity, the encouraging word, that phone call when you needed someone to talk to. God is in the everyday and everything. Look for Him today.

Just pray

Cover EVERYTHING in prayer, Be persistent in prayer. God can work in every area of your life, but you have to ask and keep asking. Just because God does not answer right away or the way we want does not mean He is not listening. Just pray and let God do what He knows best, Even if it takes awhile. Just pray.

Tame the tongue

God has some very specific things say about what comes out of our mouths. He tell us to tame our tongues. What we say can tear others down or lift people up. Words can be as hurtful as physical pain. Speech has power. So lets use that power to Glorify God not destroy others. I challenge you today to say something uplifting to someone today.


You can choose Joy today. Jesus fills us with His joy no matter what is gong on in our lives. We can be joyful for the simple reason that Jesus loves us no matter what and through Him we will be in Heaven that is full of joy. Don't choose anger, bitterness, resentment, or anything negative. It's your choice. Choose JOY!


Forgiving someone sometimes is not an easy thing to do. We want to hold on to the anger and resentment. But that is not what Jesus teaches us to do. Jesus died for us so that we could be forgiven of our sins. Why then are we so petty with forgiving others? Let it go. Even if we think the other person does not deserve forgiveness, do it anyway. You will be free from that bondage of anger and resentment. And you will be the person God wants you to be. Be blessed today.

Give me Jesus

Jesus is all you need. Through Jesus we can have eternal life which means you get to be in Heaven where all is good. Who doesn't want to go to heaven? But while we are here on this earth, Jesus is hope, peace, and unconditional love. Who doesn't want that? Read the bible. Learn the whole story about Jesus, accept the fact that Jesus loves you so much that HE paid the penalty for our sins, and try your best to be like him.

Be thankful in all things

Sometimes it easy to be thankful. It easy to say thank you when things are going good and problems are minor. But it is hard to feel thankful when things aren't gong right. As Christians we are to be thankful for all things. In that problem, circumstance, relationship, or trial God is shaping you into someone better, stronger, and more dependent on Him. It is had to do, but try it. Thank God for all your blessings and trials. God knows what he is doing, trust him and say thank you.


Jesus Christ died to pay the penalty to God for our human sin, selfishness, corruptness, and all the other bad stuff we do. If you accept that Jesus is your savior then you are FREE from the bondage of sin, fear, circumstances, other people, and all that other stuff. Jesus has the power to release us from the chains that bind us physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Why would you want to live any other way? Go to church, hear His message, and be set FREE today.

Blessings today

My prayer for you today. May God's blessings pour out upon you, His grace surround you, and may you have His peace.

God hears your cries

Know right now that God hears your cries. Hears your pleas and prayers. He has not abandoned you. Whatever is wrong, in time, He is going to make it right. In the mean time, hold on to the strong tower. Hide in the shelter of His wings. God has got you. He is going to give you his mercy and grace. Hold on a little longer. Be strengthened in the Lord today.

God will change you

Feel like you need a change in your life? Here is how. Commit yourself to Jesus. He will change you, recreate situations, and continuously love you. Dive into God's word and know that He loves you so much that He won't leave you where you are. Believe today that Jesus is your savior.

God First

Put God first in your life. First means before everything else. Spend time reading the bible and praying first thing in the morning. Make the time if you have to. Stop making excuses. The kids this and the job that. God is most important and goes to the top of the priority list. Your life will be better for it. Be blessed today.

God works things out

God does work things out for our good. It may not seem like it. It may not be the way we want it or when we want it. But in the end He will work it all out according to His purpose and his time. Keep fighting the good fight and doing what is right. There is a happy ending. Trust in God today.


Restore is the word from God today. What do you need restored? Health, marriage, relationship, children, finances, job? God can restore everything Satan stole from you. But you have to ask and have faith that He can. Pray and believe. Walk in faith today.


Just tired. Physically, mentally, and spiritually. We pretty much do this to ourselves by trying to do everything, please everyone and make our own way in this life. Well the Lord says ask for the right path, get on it, and find rest. God knows what is the very best for us and can make a way where there seems to be no way. Just trust that He has it all worked out. Walk in faith today.

Frolic in the joy of the Lord

Malachi 4:2. This is one of my favorite scriptures from the Bible. Being a farm girl, I have seen animals that just feel so good they buck and play. That is how God wants us to feel. He wants us to be so happy and feel so good that we just have to dance around in our joy. He wants us healthy and happy. To get this, we first have to revere God. Acknowledge that He is the sovereign Lord of all things. He is the creator of Heaven and Earth. God is in control of all things. That means letting go and letting God take control. Be so blessed today that you frolic like a calf let loose from it's stall!

Keep On Keeping on

Giving up is easy. But that is not what God wants us to do. God has a path for you and He wants you to stay on it. No matter the obstacles,no matter what other people think, no matter the time limits, no matter what, keep going. Keep telling people what God has done in your life. Keep on keeping on my friend. Be blessed today!

Peace in the storm.

Storms. Whether the natural kind or the personal kind, you have the authority in JESUS to tell it to be still and have peace. God uses storms to mold us and shape us into who he wants us to be. God can turn anything around for His and your good. Find the peace in your storm. Jesus is with you.

Stop Running

God's love is never-ending. You don't have to be perfect or do certain things for God to love you. He finds you where ever you are in life. God will keep on finding you because He never stops loving you as His child. So stop running away and acknowledge that God is your loving Father in heaven.

Ask and bellieve

Ruthie Clark Joiner Just now  ·  God is still in the miracle working business. All you have to do is ask and believe.

Using what you are good at

God gives us talents, abilities, things we are good at, not to profit ourselves, but to use for His kingdom. When you work for God, serving others, the blessings will come. God rewards the obedient. Don't let a busy life, other peoples opinions, or lack of self confidence stop you from using your gifts for His glory.

Be A Light Today

Being a high school teacher sometimes tries my patience and sometimes tries to make me look like I am not a Christian. But I have learned to bring Jesus with me everyday into my classroom. We need to keep Jesus in every situation and show others the love of Christ. Even the tough situations. Be a light today that shines in the darkness of this world!

This Too Shall Pass

Someone today needs to hear that whatever it is This Too Shall Pass. God has got something New for you coming soon. Hang on. God is with you through this and it will not last forever. Keep your faith and stand strong because God has got this. Maybe it is me that needed this today. Be Blessed today!

Above All

Jesus only thought of you when he was dying on the cross. He took all of your sin, pain, illness and burdens with him when he died. HE died for you. That is how much he loves you. He loves you above all. Lets love and serve Him above all.